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Hence almost all experienced player with a somewhat higher APM will do several suspicious actions in most of their games. Due to the delay of the unit disappearing and the unit still being selected, the replay will contain a false-positive suspicious action. An example would be a selected enemy unit disappearing in the fog of war. However, BWChart often times recorded false positive illegal actions. Since this was the easiest way to spot a hack, the coders surpressed the recording of such clicks in their later builds. Such illegal/impossible selections could be confirmed by watching the replay carefully and comparing BWChart's finding with the actual vision of a player.

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Everytime a player selects a building or a unit, which he couldn't see if he would not run a map hack, is labelled as these kind of actions. BWChart has the option to list so-called Suspicious Actions. In the first years after replays were introduced a lot of map hackers were caught.

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Older versions are still easy to spot with suspicious actions. This kind of hacks are very hard to spot, especially when the hack is in its latest version. Map Hacks allow a player to reveal the entire map and thus erase the fog of war. If high lags occur during the game, the executed commands are recorded in the same time and could therefore cause similar spikes to the one generated by Multi Command Hacks. Although the danger of getting a false positive result for Multi Command is very small it exists. The command list will automatically show a number of actions being performed in the same time stamp. Usually, the APM sky rockets and exceeds often times more than 1.000 actions per minute.

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These kind of hacks are easily spotted with the help of the APM plots. When this short cut is pressed, a list of commands is executed faster than possible for a human. Mutlicommand hacks allow a player to bind macro schemes on a short cut. The methods changed over time, as the developers of hacks changed their function.

  • Filters and sorts by players, maps, APM, etc.īWChart was a long time the leading tool to spot various forms of Hacks.
  • Calculates average overall APM and APM divided by races for every Player.
  • Scans replay directory for replays to list.

  • Starcraft brood wars free